January 2024


Key Highlights

The value of your investment and the income from it may rise as well as fall and you may not
get back the amount originally invested. Prior to investing in the strategy investors should
carefully consider the risks associated with investing, whether the Strategy suits their
investment requirements and whether they have sufficient resources to bear any losses
which may result from an investment in the Stategy. Investors should only invest if they
understand the terms on which the Strategy is offered. Investors should consider the
following risks and where appropriate seek professional advice before investing.

Strategy Description

At the most basic level , an alogorithmic trading robot is a computer code that has the ability to generate and execute buy and sell signals in the financial markets. The main components of such a robot include entry rules that signal when to buy or sell, exit rules indicating when to close the current  position, and position sizing rules defining the quantities to buy or sell.
The trading team includes advanced and experienced technologists who continuously build, test and iterate the Algorithm, coupled with utilising the latest in machine learning and AI. This advanced technical knowledge combined with decades of experience means the two are well aligned to maximise profits and try to reduce risk.

Performance (VAMI)

Monthly Returns

Fund Manager

Trading exclusively in the EUR/USD pair ensuring ultimate liquidity at all times. Using proprietary position sizing techniques.

Performance Statistics

3 Month ROR
Year To Date
Total Return Cumulative
Max Drawdown (Monthly)

General Information

Minimum Investment20,000 USD
Management Fee -
Performance Fee35.00%
Highwater MarkYes


Total Return Cumulative 125.11%
Sharpe Ratio 6.92
Sortino Ratio 0.00
Winning Months (%) 100.00%
Correlation vs. S&P 500 TR -0.05

Monthly Performance

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
2024 3.05 3.05
2023 4.35 0.90 5.80 5.68 6.80 3.97 9.74 4.27 4.54 4.15 4.45 1.67 56.32
2022 3.67 14.26 8.27 8.22 7.32 8.20 5.08 6.52 4.20 65.74
There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options and off-exchange foreign currency products. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

CFDs involve a high level of risk and in some cases you may be liable for a greater amount than originally invested. You should not deal in CFDs unless you understand their nature and the extent of your exposure to risk. You should also be satisfied that the product is suitable for you in the light of your circumstances and financial position. Trading in CFDs is a high risk trading vehicle so you should only deal in CFDs if you fully understand the associated risks. The risk warnings below give a brief summary and we would recommend that you seek independent advice if you are unclear on any specific points.
For the avoidance of doubt, Zirux is not independently regulated by the FCA. Zirux is a signal provider to Pelican Trading. Pelican Trading is a trading name of London and Eastern LLP. London & Eastern LLP is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, ref 534484. Registered address: 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London , W1 W7LT