Sage Life-Strategy Balanced


Key Highlights

Accounts are opened in the client's name at Interactive Broker's LLC, and are covered by F.D.I.C and S.I.P.C insurance.
Clients have full online access to their investment account, For account security usernames and passwords are encrypted with Triple Data Encryption Standards (3DES) and nCipher hardware. Data in transit is encrypted using TLS1.2 protocol.
Simple fee structure, no front-end or back-end sales charges, no performance fees, the only charges are advisory fees and transaction costs.

Strategy Description

The Sage Life-Strategy Balanced portfolio combines both stocks and bonds in its composition. The portfolio seeks to strike a harmonious blend of different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds and even alternative investments. By diversifying across asset classes, our balanced portfolio offers investors a middle ground, making it suitable for those seeking a mix of safety and growth. The typical allocation is around 50% stocks and 50% bonds, providing stability while allowing for potential returns.

Performance (VAMI)

Since Inception
Max DD
Data and information is provided for informational purposes only. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.