

Being and Investment Active Value

Månadskommentar - maj 2024

Maj gav en avkastning på 0,06 %, efter avgifter, upp ca 6 % på året, efter ett 2023 som gav 23 % och ett 2022 som gav ~8 %.

Våra månadsbrev kommer framöver att vara mer kortfattade, då våra klienter föredrar mer extensiva kvartalsbrev. För att följa dessa och för mer information om fonden så vänligen besök:

A quick recap on Being and investments' Public Active Value:

· Our investment strategy and process consist of evaluating active ownership cases, mainly in the US and Europe. All our investments thus have a reputable active and engaged large owner (typically an Activist or Private Equity owner).

· The companies we then chose to invest in have three main components. First, they are "cheap" (i.e., trading below what we deem to be intrinsic value). Second, the companies’ operations and/or strategy can be changed (i.e., there is potential to increase intrinsic value).

· Third, they represent what we call "quality", with a strong competitive position, and thus predictable free cash flows and typically high return on invested capital.

· The strategy has an institutional track record spanning back to 2010 and has produced 20%+ CAGR gross returns since, in line with the best Private Equity and Activist funds.

· At the same time, our fees are ~50% lower than the typical activist/private equity fund.


Månatlig utveckling - index

Månatlig utveckling (%)

  Jan Feb Mar Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec År
2024 0,75 3,20 0,70 0,85 0,06 5,65
2023 2,29 1,61 -5,92 -1,59 12,27 4,83 13,26
Investing in mutual funds always involves a risk. The value of your investment can go up and down depending on factors affecting the market including interest rates. Historical returns are not an indicator of future returns. Investors may lose parts or the entire amount invested. For more information on risks, read more in the funds' KIID and prospectus.